Thursday, August 25, 2011

Web Design that works for your business

Business websites cannot be static. 
They must actively solicit interaction with visitors to push revenue growth and meet marketing goals. A website can be both a fantastic brochure but it can also be a meeting place where your clients sit down to talk with you, to tell you what they need, what they think and how they feel about your brand. A great website is a conversation starter with your client and might be the marketing tool that sets you a part from every competitor. 

Whilst a bad, site will turn people off and move them on. What makes a bad website?
A site that is not updated regularly is just damn annoying - when was the last time you found content written in 2007, or perhaps an upcoming event that occurred 6 mths ago with no future events in the coming up section.
Your website could be downright ugly - noone is attracted on first impressions by someone they find unattractive so why would they sit looking at an ugly site?
A site that was obviously designed at the inception of the internet is not of interest unless your clients are internet archeologists.
A bad website is one that is filled with unqualified sales statements such as "The World's best..." and other such nonsense that offer no evidence or any value to the reader to enable them to make a sound decision on using a specific product or service.

Demonstrate to your clients that you are a contemporary business and that you understand how to communicate with a savvy audience. Your corporate website needs to effectively market the business, and we do this by designing intelligent product pages, writing compelling content about your products and services, and putting together easy to use templates for regular e-mail newsletters, and SMS campaigns that bring business to you time and time again.

Ask yourself how does your website stack up on a global scale? Are your clients moving on or coming back for seconds?